Sunday, June 3, 2012

You Shine on my Heart

You Kept me away from your 
Physical presence 
I screamed with the pain of separation
Tortured with ignorance ...
I kept reaching out to you
Too many sleepless nights
Longing to be with you...
Wondering why you did not call me
To Parthi, to Your feet.
You kept reminding me 
You exist nowhere but in me
All I need to do is look around
And see You in everything.
But I continued to follow my ego of sepration...
Fixated on Your form
Disappointed, depressed and sad
But slowly I woke from this sleep
Your love won
I lost 
The veil of ignorance...torn- pulled away.
Now I realize
Your love is all around
In every beat of my heart 
You exist in every atom, in every form
You dance with the wind, and sing with the rain
You laugh with the flowers
You are Me and I am You.
~~Sai Art~~

All questions, doubts have been vanished.. All answered by your love

All questions,
doubts have been vanished..
All answered by your love 
Now nothing matters....
Drinking deep from the lake of the divine.
I see only You
And the world does not matter.
~~♥ Sai Art ♥ ~~